Support NJC

NJC Support FAQ

Giving FAQ

List of 6 frequently asked questions.

  • What is the NJC Annual Fund?

    Funds raised through the NJC Annual Fund are used to pay for necessary advancements such as campus and infrastructure improvements, bursaries and scholarships, and the sustainability that an endowment provides.
  • How Do I Make a Gift?

    The most efficient way to make a contribution is to donate online or to mail a cheque with the benefitting program noted in the memo field. Cheques should be made out to “The Neuchâtel Junior College Fund” and mailed to:
    The Advancement Department
    The Neuchâtel Junior College Fund
    36 Toronto Street, Suite 850
    Toronto, ON M5C 2C5
    There are several other creative ways to help support Neuchâtel Junior College and one is sure to work for you:
    • Host a class reunion and use the opportunity to champion an NJC cause that is meaningful to you and your friends
    • Join as a monthly donor
    • Create a named scholarship in someone’s honour
    • Name Neuchâtel Junior College in your will
    • Ask your family foundation to consider a gift to the school
    • Donate air miles so that we can decrease one of our highest expenses
    • Find out if you employer matches contributions and make a request to double your impact
    Learn more about making a contribution to Neuchâtel Junior College here or to learn more about which option is right for you, please contact the Advancement and Alumni Relations Office at 1.800.263.2923 x223 or
  • Will My Gift Make a Difference?

    Yes – gifts of any amount are important to us. We need your help to maintain and advance our exceptional school. What’s more, your annual donation reflects the value you place on the time you spent at NJC and encourages others to give.
  • May I Choose Where My Annual Fund Gift is Directed?

    Yes. You may direct your donation to bursaries, scholarships, campus and infrastructure improvements, or the endowment. We also have a category known as “The Head of School Fund” which allows us to direct your donation to have the greatest impact.
  • Doesn't NJC Have a Huge Endowment?

    You may be surprised to learn that our endowment is just over $500,000. In the past, NJC has focused on meeting immediate financial needs. Today, we are working to build the endowment fund to secure the financial future of the College. If you would like to learn more about our plans for the Endowment Fund, please contact the Advancement Department.
  • Will I Receive a Tax Receipt for My Gift?

    Neuchâtel Junior College is a registered charity in Canada and, as such, issues a tax receipt for all donations.

Named Fund FAQ

List of 7 frequently asked questions.

  • How Can I Get More Information?

    Please contact the Advancement Department at: 416.368.8169 ext. 223, or 1.800.263.2923 ext. 223 (toll free), and at
  • How are NJC Funds Named?

    The major benefactor or group of contributors decide on the name of their Fund. You may establish a fund in your own name or you might name it in honour of a friend, family member, classmate or a favourite teacher.
  • How is the Selection Criteria Determined for the Scholarship I Am Establishing?

    Some donors choose to designate a particular interest in the criteria such as recruitment of candidates who have a specific academic interest or hail from the same city or town as the donor. We invite all donors to participate in establishing the scholarship criteria by expressing their intentions for the award. After a discussion, the Director of Advancement will draft a term sheet according to your specifications and present it for collaboration and approval.
  • Are Donors Notified When a Scholarship or Bursary is Awarded?

    The major contributor to each fund is notified annually, in the late winter or early spring, once the candidate has signed their award or bursary agreement. You will be informed of the name and hometown of the recipient, as well as the amount of the award or bursary and status of the fund. Your scholarship will also be recognized in our donor listings, unless you wish to remain anonymous.
  • Is it Possible to Create a Fund With a Group Contribution?

    Classes, families, and groups honouring a common friend may work together to pool their contributions and establish a fund together.
  • What is the Minimum Amount Necessary to Establish a Named Fund?

    A named fund may be established with a minimum contribution of $50,000 to The Neuchâtel Junior College Fund. This may be offered as a lump sum or you may establish your fund with an initial installment of $10,000 followed by 4 yearly installments of the same amount.
  • How Would I Make My Contribution?

    Donations may be paid by cheque or with any credit card including American Express. It is also possible to make your contribution through a gift of securities.
Neuchâtel Junior College offers the unique opportunity to study Canadian curriculum abroad. While living in Switzerland in a French community, students enjoy an international education through travel and experiential learning in Europe. Gap year and Grade 12  high school students gain international experience and develop independence and life skills that prepare them for university and the global workplace.

A Canadian high school in Switzerland | Grade 12 & Gap