
Community Awards

Nominations for the NJC community Awards are now open.  Consider nominating a classmate for one of our prestigious awards. Nomination window closes April 15, 2025.

In recognition of the dedicated service and accomplishments of our community members, Neuchâtel Junior College is honouring members of the school community with three prestigious Community Awards:

  • Young Alumni of Distinction Award recognizes an NJC graduate or individual who attended NJC (2015 to present) and has made an impact on their local community since leaving NJC.  They are an excellent role model and has made a difference in the lives of others.
  • Alumni of Distinction Award recognizes an NJC graduate or individual who attended NJC (before and including 2014) and has made an impact on their local community since leaving NJC. They are an excellent role model and has made a difference in the lives of others.
  • Distinguished Service Award recognizes a member of the NJC community (does not need to be an alumni) who has contributed outstanding volunteer service to NJC over several years. 

Nomination and Selection Process

The nomination window for all three awards is open until April 15, 2025.  Any member of the NJC community may submit nominations; a co-nominator must support nominations made by a family member. Supporting documentation and multiple nominations are encouraged.
NJC will collect and verify all information provided by nominees and provide submissions to the committee.  In turn, the committee will review all nominations and be responsible for selecting annual recipients.

Each category has the potential to have more than one award recipient. 

Award Presentation and Celebration

NJC will advise all nominees of their nomination. An invitation will be extended to attend Always Neuch! Alumni Gathering (details to be confirmed) hosted by the Alumni Executive Committee. 

Award recipients will have the opportunity to address the guests at the event, as well as have their profiles on the NJC website, in our monthly newsletter, and our annual Gratitude Report.

Questions? Email 
Neuchâtel Junior College offers the unique opportunity to study Canadian curriculum abroad. While living in Switzerland in a French community, students enjoy an international education through travel and experiential learning in Europe. Gap year and Grade 12  high school students gain international experience and develop independence and life skills that prepare them for university and the global workplace.

A Canadian high school in Switzerland | Grade 12 & Gap