Ms. Megan Watt

Managing Director of Operations 
BBA Honours Wilfrid Laurier University 
CEC Royal Roads University

Ms. Megan Watt
Managing Director of Operations 
BBA Honours Wilfrid Laurier University 
CEC Royal Roads University 
Megan Watt has a passion for education and travel that was fostered during her years living and working in Europe.  She is passionate about the impact that experiential learning can have on the leaders of tomorrow. 
Megan brings international experience in both private and public sectors leading human resources, finance, governance, and administration functions to Neuchâtel Junior College.  Megan has also taught at the middle and high school level and coordinated student exchange programs within Canada and internationally.  
Megan is excited to be working alongside the NJC team in the Canadian office supporting Grade 12 and Gap Year students to Step Outside!
Neuchâtel Junior College offers the unique opportunity to study Canadian curriculum abroad. While living in Switzerland in a French community, students enjoy an international education through travel and experiential learning in Europe. Gap year and Grade 12  high school students gain international experience and develop independence and life skills that prepare them for university and the global workplace.

A Canadian high school in Switzerland | Grade 12 & Gap